
About Frances Peterson

Hi, I’m Frances Peterson. I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer and Soul Mentor and I’ve been working in the field of Holistic Health and Energy Medicine for over 20 years. I‘m dedicated to supporting women and young adolescents to gain clarity and to liberate their authentic voice so that they can express their Divine purpose with confidence and joy. And I do that through my one-on-one personal profiling and transformational healing programs.

Whats Next for You in 2020?

By |2021-01-31T22:23:38+10:00February 27th, 2020|

Are you confused about what direction your life is heading? Or do you just have this compelling need to know “What’s next?” I’m here to help you find clarity about the direction your life is taking you in 2020! This year has started quite dramatically!  There can be much comfort [...]