
Do you have a teen
who needs support?

Help your teen to develop Self Worth, Confidence and the Purpose to Thrive.

Thriving Teens Program with Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

Do you have a teen who needs support?

Help your teen to develop Self Worth, Confidence and the Purpose to Thrive.

Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

Hi, I’m

Frances Peterson

I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer and Soul Mentor and I’ve been working in the field of Holistic Health and Energy Medicine for over 20 years.

I‘m dedicated to supporting women and young adolescents to gain clarity and to liberate their authentic voice so that they can express their Divine purpose with confidence and joy.

And I do that through my one-on-one personal profiling and transformational healing programs.

Exciting changes are happening! I’m transitioning my business from Healing Vibrations to The Wise Oracle, where I will continue to offer the same heartfelt services you know and love, now from a new location.

I’m deeply grateful for your support and invite you to reach out with any enquiries as I embark on this new chapter.

Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

Hi, I’m

Frances Peterson

I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer and Soul Mentor and I’ve been working in the field of Holistic Health and Energy Medicine for over 20 years.

I‘m dedicated to supporting women and young adolescents to gain clarity and to liberate their authentic voice so that they can express their Divine purpose with confidence and joy.

And I do that through my one-on-one personal profiling and transformational healing programs.

Exciting changes are happening! I’m transitioning my business from Healing Vibrations to The Wise Oracle, where I will continue to offer the same heartfelt services you know and love, now from a new location. I’m deeply grateful for your support and invite you to reach out with any enquiries as I embark on this new chapter.

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Re-Igniting your Power, Passion and your Purpose for Life

reignite symbol

How Can I Help You?

Healing Vibrations - FasterEFT

Personalised Readings

Have you ever asked the question “Who Am I?”

Experience clarity and understanding of your ‘true self’ and your Soul’s journey as you receive guidance to fully develop and appreciate your Divine Self Worth.

Personalised Healings

Are you wondering why you’re feeling stuck?

Discover and release your core issues at the deepest level and experience a lighter and balanced perspective of life as you step into a greater sense of Self Empowerment.

Healing Vibrations - Forensic Healing
Healing Vibrations - Reiki

Personalised Development

Do you have a deep yearning to express your true purpose?

Nurture a deeper connection with your true self and your intuition and experience confidence and joy as you liberate your authentic Self Expression.

How Can I Help You?

Healing Vibrations - FasterEFT

Personalised Readings

Have you ever asked the question “Who Am I?”

Experience clarity and understanding of your ‘true self’ and your Soul’s journey as you receive guidance to fully develop and appreciate your Divine Self Worth.

Healing Vibrations - Forensic Healing

Personalised Healings

Are you wondering why you’re feeling stuck?

Discover and release your core issues at the deepest level and experience a lighter and balanced perspective of life as you step into a greater sense of Self Empowerment.

Healing Vibrations - Reiki

Personalised Development

Do you have a deep yearning to express your true purpose?

Nurture a deeper connection with your true self and your intuition and experience confidence and joy as you liberate your authentic Self Expression.

Testimonial by Deborah Walston

I would highly recommend Frances for readings and healings.

Frances contacted the Akashic Records and gave extremely helpful, accurate and solid information that helped me move easier through a challenging time. Frances also guided me to clear ongoing pain in my arm and it hasn’t returned. I would highly recommend Frances for readings and healings!

~ Deborah Walston, Chinese Face Reading & Feng Shui Consultant

Know Your Next Steps with Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

Know Your Next Steps Program

Make sense of your current situation, clear the confusion and clarify your next steps forward.

When we are at some kind of crossroads in our life where choices need to be made, it can feel really hard to know which way to go.

Together, we will find the clarity you seek through healing conversations, interpreting the soul map imprinted in your face, as well as looking at what your birth details reveal about this stage of your life.

Know Your Next Steps with Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

Know Your Next Steps Program

Make sense of your current situation, clear the confusion and clarify your next steps forward.

When we are at some kind of crossroads in our life where choices need to be made, it can feel really hard to know which way to go.

Together, we will find the clarity you seek through healing conversations, interpreting the soul map imprinted in your face, as well as looking at what your birth details reveal about this stage of your life.

Book In Your Free Clarity Consultation

Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations Meditation

Download Your Free Meditation

Would you like to experience a deeply profound heart to heart connection to Mother Earth and receive her nurturing support and guidance, particularly during these challenging times we are currently living?

Then I warmly invite you to connect with me and subscribe to my newsletter to receive my meditation as my gift to you.

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