FasterEFT with Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations

FasterEFT – How does this work
and how can I benefit from it?

FasterEFT is a modality that simplifes, amplifies and blends a number of powerfully effective modalities together into one highly effect mind-body therapy, It includes Thought Field Therapy, EFT, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis, to name just a few.

FasterEFT is a structured method of uncovering what is going on in your mind and how those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are resulting in what is happening to you in your current life.

Your body’s reactions are not the cause of your problems. Rather, they are an expression of what you hold within your mind. And your perceptions originate from your memories and experiences.

So in order to release the impact of those negative reactions and the subsequent conditions of your body, FasterEFT aims at changing the way you hold your memories, which then changes your perceptions and how you see the world as a result.

Once you understand how your problem is reflected by the feelings and emotions in your body, and uncover the memory associated with that problem, FasterEFT directly aims at changing the memory using ‘tapping’.

What is the Tapping Process?

The tapping process involves using your fingers and tapping on particular meridians of the body in order to disrupt and scramble the message within the electrical/chemical system of the mind-body.

It not only disrupts the feelings and emotions in the mind-body connection. The tapping process also promotes deep relaxation and centres you back to the present moment and integrates into the subconscious mind that the memory is now over and is no longer true or valid for you.

I have found FasterEFT to be extremely effective in alleviating pain, anxiety, depression, and other emotional symptoms. And it is also being widely used to release addictions.

Would you like to experience the freedom that FasterEFT or tapping can give you?

Then please book your transformation here.

FasterEFT with Frances Peterson Healing Vibrations
Price for Session

During this session we will first clarify the issue you would like to address and release through your answers to an in-depth questionnaire. This then provides the foundation for releasing your issue through the process of tapping during your session.

Session duration is 2 hours.

Your investment is $300.